For Medical Cannabis Denver Dispensaries Can Assist Individuals

For medical cannabis Denver has several viable outlets. These locations can assist patients who need a medical marijuana prescription. Although the drug continues to have its skeptics, and although it remains the topic of much political debate, studies continue to reveal that it is a relatively harmless drug compared to many prescription drugs already approved by the FDA.

Recent research conducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicates that it is not suspected as a primary cause in any patient deaths. This is in contrast to many FDA-approved drugs on the market that have been implicated in numerous patient deaths, but that continue to be prescribed as acceptable substances by the FDA. The study compared cannabis and seventeen FDA-approved drugs, including a dozen that are typically prescribed for the same conditions that medical marijuana is used to treat.

The additional five drugs were other prescription drugs that are in wide public use for various things and that are generally regarded as "safe". Some are anti-spasm drugs and pain killers. Others are drugs used to treat mental illnesses, such as anti-psychotics.

Although the study did find that some individuals were using marijuana at the time they died, in no instances was it regarded as a primary suspect in causing the death. In rare cases it was seen as a secondary suspect in conjunction with other drugs. By comparison, most other drugs in the study were primary suspects in a number of deaths, often hundreds or even thousands of deaths. This study lends weight to the argument that cannabis is less dangerous than most other prescription drugs and that lethal side effects rarely, if ever, occur.

Marijuana may be the most effective drug for a number of conditions, or at the very least a drug that will do less harm than many other prescribed drugs. Doctors adhering to the Hippocratic oath might be advised to consider it as a valid pharmacological choice in many cases. Few drugs are as benign as cannabis according to study data.

This study is likely to enliven the political debate surrounding medical cannabis. Although in political circles its use is still controversial, most physicians recognize its therapeutic potential, at least for some conditions. Properly regulated, it appears to pose minimal risk to patients relative to many other prescription drugs. The FDA data is part of a growing body of literature that argues for the usefulness of this drug in treating some conditions.

There are many dispensaries in Colorado that now give patients access to the substance. For those with a need for the drug, a dispensary can be found. The state continues to offer medical marijuana for those who can establish that they need it to treat pain or suffering from certain conditions.

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